ModWright PH9 is a 'Tubular Belle', say Stereonet
David Price gives this awesome Phono Stage the thumbs-up and an Applause Award.
"Valves and vinyl, what's not to love?"
"This phono stage is super responsive, well able to capture the accenting of struck guitar chords or snare drums hit extra hard. The music starts and stops just as it should with no lazy overhang, and the dynamics are tracked accurately and consistently; there's no strain or compression”
"It has a particularly open and three dimensional sound that's tonally smooth and subtly warm but not in the least bit woolly or fluffy."
"Most striking is its soundstaging."
"Whenever I hear a good tube phono stage I find it hard to go back to solid-state; you can question all you like about whether it's accurate, but it still sounds like the latter has shrunk in the wash by comparison”
"…it removes the haze and greyness than many solid-state phono stages introduce and restores the soundstage back to its rightful scale."
"it imparts a wonderfully natural timbre to everything it plays; instruments like violins, for example, sound earthy, raw and screechy rather than opaque or airbrushed with almost all solid-state stuff I've heard”
"It's not an effects processor, but rather a high-resolution window into the musical world – with just a touch of valve charm thrown in for good measure”
"This is an excellent sounding device that's head and shoulders above more mass-market designs"