HiFi+ give the Cyrus i9-XR integrated amplifier an enthusiastic review…
HiFi+ have published their review of Cyrus Audio's i9-XR integrated amplifier online in which they love the sound quality and build features.
See some highlights of the review below—or for more product details and a link to the full review (and other reviews) you can click to our product page.
"plenty of fresh engineering as well as some ergonomic upgrades,"
"There’s a new high-speed analogue buffer at the DAC input stage."
"lean, detailed sound – and the alacrity with which the i9-XR serves up the recording is definitive in its Cyrus-ness."
"Throughout the frequency range, nothing is overstated and nothing is under-represented."
"draws such straight edges at the attack and decay of individual bass notes, allowing absolutely no overhang,"
"Tonality is equally well-judged – the line between ‘crisp’ and ‘hard’ where treble sounds are concerned can often be wafer-thin,"
"...proves further vindication of the decision to fit as capable and accessible a DAC as possible to the Cyrus."
"The alacrity and manoeuvrability demonstrated by the i9-XR’s other inputs is present and correct via the USB-B,"
"The addition of all those digital inputs is a fine and sensible idea, and the quality of its phono stage is not up for question."