What Hi-Fi? give 5 Stars to the Mark Levinson No.5909 wireless headphones

Updated: Mar 21

The Mark Levinson No.5909 headphones receive a What Hi-fi? 5 star rating for their wireless convenience compared to their wired competition, and for outstanding sound quality.

See highlights below or for full product details and a link to the full review visit our product page linked here.

"...the Mark Levinsons physically block sound more than most pairs anyway due to their substantial build and solid-yet-satisfactory clamp force"

"Wireless connectivity comes in aptX Adaptive and LDAC flavours, which are essentially the best-quality Bluetooth codecs currently in use."

"...you’d expect a pair at this price to tick the right boxes—

and the right boxes the No. 5909 do indeed tick."

"Their design panders to both use cases – hefty and padded enough to enjoy for hours at home, yet also glitzy and compact enough (the cups can fold flat) to take out and about."

"...after handling and wearing the No. 5909 for several weeks, it becomes easier to appreciate the remarkable quality of their construction."

"Handily for the forgetful, a 15-minute ‘fast’ charge offers six hours of listening, too."

"No part of the frequency spectrum is given undue priority, and that, coupled with the headphones’ attention to detail and brisk nature, makes the No. 5909 utterly compelling to listen to in a way lesser wireless headphones are not."

"…it’s easily the best wireless headphones performance we’ve come across."
